At GTRONS, we want to make your return and refund process as easy as possible. Once we receive your returned item, please allow 1-5 business days for us to process your refund or exchange.
Return Policy:
You have 30 days to return an item, as long as it’s in the same condition you received it.
We take all returns accordingly.
To start a return, email us at with your name, order number, a photo of the item, and the reason for return.
Refund Process:
Refunds may take a few days to show up in your account, depending on your bank or credit card issuer.
If your refund is delayed, follow these steps:
Check with your card issuer or bank to see if they’ve processed the refund.
Wait for the processing time to complete, as it can take a few days for refunds to show up.
Contact your bank if it still hasn’t appeared.
Shipping and Processing Times:
We don’t replace or refund that exceed 30 days.
If something goes wrong with your order, we’ll ship a replacement to the original address.
Damaged or Defective Items:
We offer refunds or replacements for damaged or defective items.
Contact us at, and we’ll assist you in resolving the issue.
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